Sunday, July 29, 2007
Mauled by cougar
Posted by
Jack Gordon
12:50 PM
Tags: Ubersaga
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Dancing lessons from dad
I remember when I was in the sixth grade -- must have been 11 or maybe 12 -- just starting adolescence, scared to death of girls but equally fascinated by them at the same time, and faced with the impending doom of my first school dance. My dad must have sensed my nervousness . . . he didn't have to be clairvoyant to see it . . . because that morning, he asked me if I knew how to dance. I think I told him I did, but regardless, he told me he was going to tell me how to dance the twist. I think the twist was in style when he was an adolescent (the old man was high school class of '61), and in his mind, it was the dance to know. He said: "Son, the twist's the easiest dance there is to do. Just imagine that you just got out of the shower and you're drying your ass with a towel." And he demonstrated. It was awesome. Not at the time; not for me; but looking back on it, it was awesome. I don't think I got to twist that day. In fact, I remember hating everything about that particular school dance. But I have twisted since. And what do you know -- the old man was right!
Posted by
Jack Gordon
5:44 PM
Tags: nostalgia, Papa Gordon, Tunes
A true velvet hammer
Posted by
Jack Gordon
11:21 AM
Tags: healthy living
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Because sometimes solitude's a chinga
Posted by
Jack Gordon
8:29 PM
Tags: ramblings
Monday, July 23, 2007
And speaking of guns,
MOSCOW — Sixty years after the AK-47 went into production, Mikhail Kalashnikov says he does not stay awake at night worrying about the bloodshed wrought by the world's most popular assault rifle.
"I sleep well. It's the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence," Kalashnikov said Friday at a ceremony marking the birth of the rifle, whose initials stand for "Avtomat Kalashnikov."
Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet arsenal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947. More commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It's the world's most popular assault rifle. A weapon all fighters love. An elegantly simple 9 pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood. It doesn't break, jam, or overheat. It'll shoot whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand. It's so easy, even a child can use it; and they do. The Soviets put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars.
When the zombie apocalypse or the revolution comes, I know my AK is on the short-list of things I'll toss in the back of my pickup.
Posted by
Jack Gordon
3:25 PM
Tags: guns
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Because these types of signs work so well with guns. . . .
Posted by
Jack Gordon
10:06 AM
Tags: guns
Friday, July 20, 2007
And in other news
As for why I smoke? Even after 13 years of knowing it's bad for me? Because, let's face it, smoking IS cool. It's only uncool when uncool people do it. If you're fat and ugly, you're fat and ugly; smoking just makes you a fat and ugly smoker. Luis Buñuel, who was far more articulate than I ever will be, summarized why I smoke as follows:
I'll talk about the queen another day. I believe I'll take a cigarette break now.“If alcohol is queen, then tobacco is her consort. It's a fond companion for all occasions, a loyal friend through fair weather and foul. People smoke to celebrate a happy moment, or to hide a bitter regret. Whether you're alone or with friends, it's a joy for all the senses. What lovelier sight is there than that double row of white cigarettes, lined up like soldiers on parade and wrapped in silver paper? I love to touch the pack in my pocket, open it, savor the feel of the cigarette between my fingers, the paper on my lips, the taste of tobacco on my tongue. I love to watch the flame spurt up, love to watch it come closer and closer, filling me with its warmth.”
Posted by
Jack Gordon
9:54 AM
Tags: healthy living
Thursday, July 19, 2007
By choice, man!
My pal Zeke just got this e-mail from a girl he asked out:
Alright, I want to be really honest with you about something. I was trying to decide whether to tell you in person or in email and then I decided just to tell you before dinner tomorrow. I am fine with going to dinner tomorrow, but I just want you to know (and I have no idea what you want or are thinking) but if what you want is potentially a relationship, I can’t promise you that I’m ready for that right now. I just got out of a long term relationship and I am not ready to jump into another one right now. I just want to be honest because I don’t want to give off any type of wrong impression about anything. I am not saying I will never want one but I literally just broke up with my boyfriend of two years a little less than two months ago. If now knowing this you would rather not have dinner, I totally understand, but I just wanted to make sure you know where I stand.
He didn't ask for a suggestion as to what to write back, but if I were him, I'd say: "That's great, because I was just looking for a piece of ass myself! If you're down for an NSA rendezvous, then I'm your man!" or something to that effect. Unfortunately for him, he won't, since he happens to be a nice guy.
Posted by
Jack Gordon
1:27 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
On the plains of Hesitation lie the blackened bones of countless millions who at the dawn of Victory sat down to rest and resting died.
Over fifteen years ago, I read that quote on a poster at a gun show and committed it to memory. Since then, I've tried to find the source of it, but haven't been able to find the true source. Lots of attributions -- and the closest I've come is Omar Khayyam, but I've never actually found a credible source that proves it. A buddy in college thought the quote a bit pretentious and summarized it as follows: "He who hesitates, masturbates."
Posted by
Jack Gordon
8:02 AM
Tags: ramblings
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Homage to the taco
Damn, I'm craving a taco and it's only 9:45 a.m. I hate to say it, but I suspect the taco is edging out the hot-dog as all-American fare. How can one not like the taco in its simplicity and nutritional elegance? What's better than a taco? Three tacos.
Posted by
Jack Gordon
9:43 AM
Tags: healthy living
Monday, July 16, 2007
Didn't get fired today. . .
Posted by
Jack Gordon
6:43 PM
Tags: ramblings