Saturday, February 16, 2008

Vice Report

The market for vodka is pretty much over-saturated at this point. Seems like three-quarters of any given bar these days is vodka-based. My two favorites: Ketel One for the mixed drinks and Grey Goose on the rocks. Sometimes I end up with strange and interesting vodkas in the liquor cabinet, though, and it’s rare that I find one that I don’t like. I’d been holding on to an unopened bottle of Estonian vodka for a couple of years now: Türi. I’d had it as part of a “Soviet Union” flight of vodkas at Red Square in the Mandalay Bay back in 2005, and had bought a bottle shortly after getting back from that trip, but hadn’t opened it since then. I remembered it being pretty good, and the bottle looked cool in the liquor cabinet. I had a couple of folks over last night, and ran out of Ketel. I decided there was no time like the present to open the bottle of Türi, and let me tell you, folks, it was a wallop of disappointment. It had some real “burn” to it, and smelled like rubbing alcohol. I had poured myself a rocks glass half full of the stuff, and had to cut it with soda just to finish it off. Life’s too short to drink bad vodka, so I’m off to Costco to buy another bottle of Ketel One today.


Andi said...

Hi Jack. Since you're probably the most well-read person I know, I'm tagging you (yet again!). Don't worry, it's not a personal one, or too annoying. It should be very interesting.

bonnie said...

Hi buddy, have you tried FROGGY? I usually drink Grey Goose straight out of the freezer, no additives, no rocks. My neighbor gave me a bottle of Froggy for Xmas. It's very smooth and it costs less than Goose. The $60 Stoli is quite nice.

Jack Gordon said...

Andi, I'm glad to oblige - and thanks for the compliment; Bon, I've never even heard of froggy . . . I will definitely keep an eye out for it.

bonnie said...

Oh, btw, I saw Absinthe on the shelves at the liqour stores in Barcelona but I was told it's not the real thing as it is no longer legal in Spain (?) but bull fighting is! Toro!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip. Never heard of Turi. I'm a Grey Goose girl myself.